Wende Correctional Facility

This site is devoted to happenings at Wende C.F. Feel free to post the good and the bad.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Accident review committee

The accident review committee has been reformated.
2 Civilians on committee were replaced because they voted for the Officer involved and found no basis for any disciplinary action.
New Committee is
DSA Schumacher
Capt Kierney
Sgt. Smith
CO J. Zemla-non voting member
This is a real set up. 3 administration people are supposed to judge CO's fairly. Good luck. As far as I know, the Union is looking into grieving this issue.
Accidents happen. Most are not caused by negligence on anyones part.
State vehicles--self insured
Leased busses--privately insured.
If you are involved in a mishap-fill out the MV 104 and on it state "while in the performance of my duties and while working for NYS" I understand that these MV 104's are being sent to motor vehicles and MAY affect your PERSONAL VEHICLE INSURANCE rates. This is so wrong. Most people I know would not even file a claim for damages under $500. There should be a mechanism in place to recieve estimates at a number of Collision shops, not just taking the States word on damage amounts. If I have to pay out of pocket, then I should be allowed to choose who fixes it, the same as I would with my personal vehicle.
Any input from administration people would be appreciated. You can leave it anonymous, as I know you are in hiding.
One thing I will always do is sign my name to any thing I say, and let the chips fall where they may. I know as fact that someone is monitoring this site from the Administration. Come out of the closet and be heard.

Advance Payments

Is everyone happy with thier pay. Taxed to death. The State will always get thiers! No reason this could not have been issued with a seperate check.
Thoughts and prayers go out to the 2 State Troopers who were shot yesterday.
Welcome to "bobthe blogger" hope to see your posts soon.

Nice picture of BTK killer Donn-there is a resemblence! Keep Dave on his toes and don't ruin my job for the next week.

Hang tough and stay safe. We are each others keepers.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


2 more days till we get our first installment. Don't spend it all in one place.
Had NIMS training yesterday. Somewhat informative.
You can take this training on your own(free) at
There is a lot of training classes offered by the government. These are free of charge, and you can take the exam right on line.
Overtime is heating up again-get your names on the list.
As far as the Accident Review Team goes, I believe it is being fought by the Union.
My understanding is that 2 members of this team have already been replaced because they did'nt feel it was right.
Ballistic vests are in the rear arsenal. You can draw one at any time you are tripping. They are to be worn outside of your uniform, but under your coat (if you wear one). If you draw one, it must be worn. Not a bad idea if your taking City trips-Courts/Ecmc as we all know the bullets are flying in Buffalo.

Remember that 8-30 and 8-31 are collection days for book bags/suitcases, etc. to be donated to KIDS. If you have an old one laying around-please put it to good use and make a child happy.