Wende Correctional Facility

This site is devoted to happenings at Wende C.F. Feel free to post the good and the bad.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Please contact the Comptrollers office to complain about the long delay in recieving our Retro Pay. Make it known that you are angry, and demand your money;
toll free 1-888-484-7279 press 8 when you hear the recording.
e-mail him at webmaster@osc.state.ny.us
lets make our voices heard.
NYSCOPBA has filed court papers to have interest added to our retro pay if it is not recieved until 4-01-07
Parties are due in Court 8-08-06

A lot of Officers I talked to yesterday were very upset about only getting 5-$7500 at end of August
I think we should take this payment, as its money in our pockets and not the States where they are effectively earning enough interest to pay this award.

send President FlimFlanagan an e-mail or call him and ask for his resignation due to the mishandling of the ENTIRE ARBITRATION PROCESS!
Hang tough and stay safe.

Friday, July 14, 2006


You are not going to be happy!! I know I'm not!
Go to the NYS Comptrollers website and read the Retro pay announcement. There is also a letter there to CO's from the Comptroller.
you must click on press releases.
The main facts are:
RETRO pay--April 2007
August 31, 2006---- $7500 if you were in grade 14 for the entire award, prorated for each month if you were a new hire during any part of this award
Sept. 28, 2006--- $820 uniform and sled back pay
Remaining retro and any money owed from 7-1-06 to 3-31-07 paid on 4-01-07
You will not see your raises in your check until 4-01-07
The Comptroller also states that no DUES INCREASE(11%) will be taken from your pay until all retro pay is payed.

The press release and letter to CO's states that President FLIMFLANAGAN had asked the State Comptroller to withold this information from the membership.(who he supposedly represents)
I think we should all with hold our dues money, and pay agency shop fees until FLIMFLANIGAN resigns. Simple to do-see the Payroll clerk for an agency shop fee card. Its not like NYSCOPBA has our best intentions at heart!

Sorry for the bad news. Its time to get serious about our jobs, and run chow, companies etc. by the book.
Another victory by the State-pay more health insurance, take a paycut.

HANG TOUGH-become INVOLVED and we can be STRONGER!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Accident review committee

Wende CF has started an Accident Review Committee to review any accidents while on State Time.
This is a crock! Buses are leases and carry private insurance(not State insured).Insurance claims are not being filed, but Officers are being made to pay for damages.(damage is never fixed)
First Transit should be providing drivers for these vehicles-and let them deal with any accidents thier driver has. Officers are always GUILTY as evidense fro the penalties of the ARC.
penalties are:
1) Formal conselling
2) pay for all damages over a 9 month period
3) NOD
no appeals process, no representation, no nothing.
Officer K, who backed into a pole at Lakeview CF-has ARC proceeding on Monday 7-17 at 2:30pm, but he isn't allowed to be there to give his version of events. In fact he wasn't even notified. This is bullshit.
Wende Transport people must stand up and take notice of this immediately.
You drive for the State and get screwed. Refuse to drive. Let all the Administration kids drive and you ride.
Seems like a violation of the system. YOU ARE GUILTY!! you cannot make a case, and you cannot have representation. Some system- Even inmates have the right to be present and call witnesses at thier hearings. They are fined $5.00 and we PAY FOR ALL DAMAGES.
Make our voices heard to
DSA, Capt., Sgt. Smith and our Union Stewards.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


The following was sent to me by Steve McKeel

Dumping NYSCOPA as not the answer! It's that plain and simple. We cannot keep switching unions, that will only set us back. We should maintain our independence as an organization and not have to pay homage to a parent group at the cost of a million plus dollars per year.
When NYSCOPBA first came about, we were promised that all the money being sent to AFSCME would be used to build a political action fund that would supercede all other unions. That has not come about either.
The answer is in finding leadership that is willing to, " Break down the brick wall called New York State!" Do those words sound familiar to all who attended the last NYSCOPBA contract meeting, when we voted on a contract.
To build up a political action fund that will have politicians jostling for position to get money and support from us. Money that we should be giving to politicians that have our interests at heart, not because they really care about our interests but because we have become a political machine that can make or break them.
At the next EB level elections, the membership must get involved as a whole and not leave it to the next guy to take care of the problem. If any member does not get involved with solving the problem, then they are part of the problem.
We must find leaders with the heart, determination, and ethics, to truly lead. They are out there, they just have to step forward.
Steve McKeel
Wende CF

After reading this, I for one would love to step up and be more involved. Tell me how I can help!