Wende Correctional Facility

This site is devoted to happenings at Wende C.F. Feel free to post the good and the bad.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Wende C.F.

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Unfortuately, this space cannot accommadate posts that have not been sent from an authorized user.
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I guarantee that your addresses will not be sold, used or given to unauthorized persons or groups. They will only be used to let you sign into this space.
Thanks for your understanding
Bruce Chapman 1-9 Transportation


The new raises and contract are still not settled. The State of New York is dragging its feet again!
Our Union leaders at the State level have sold thier soles to the State. Do not for one minute believe that this is an Arbitrated Contract. Flanigan and Co. have sold us out!
I have written and e-mailed Mr. Flanigan, requesting that we the members, be given all the facts and true costs of this arbitration proceeding. He has not responded to any of my attempts.
I have asked Steve McKeel to get these figures for us, the members. I know that Steve will do everything in his power to help us and represent us. He is like a bulldog. Thanks, Steve.

One of our employees..CO M. Simmons, 1:30-9:30 bldg 37 has finally started his business. Way to go Marion!
His Barbacue sauce is the best. Try it today!

Feel free to chip in with any and all info. you think is appropriate to us as employees @ Wende C.F..