Wende Correctional Facility

This site is devoted to happenings at Wende C.F. Feel free to post the good and the bad.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


I would like to thank the person who stole my raincoat.
Can't even be safe in jail.
I guess I have to get a real lock on my locker now.
You are no better than the assholes that we have control over.
I know, it's just a raincoat? Try to get another one.
Thanks !
Nothing being posted here?
Bags for kids was a great success. Over 78 bags were collected.
Stay safe and watch each others backs-even if they are thieves.

What is the sense of having an RMU, when everything turns into an emergency trip anyway. Don't they have DRS and PAS in our RMU. I've never seen so many so called emergency trips as I have in the past month.
Ambulance company loves the State. Good for Officers who want the OT.

Checked out NYSCOPBA web site today. Same shit has been posted on this site for a month now. Everyone must be happy that we got some of our money. All the uproar over our contract and as soon as some money flows, everyone lays down and shuts up. We need to keep pressuring NYSCOPBA to bring us back a real contract, that we can vote on in 2007. LTS were smart enough to watch our contract and stick to a 2 year deal.
2003 and 2004 at 3% per year and $1500 command payment added to base and paid across 26 pay periods per year.
Did they do better than us? YES!! only a 2 year deal with 2 more to go. better than 2.25 and 2.75 for the first 2 years.
Time to put better leadership in Albany!

Monday, September 11, 2006


On this 5th ann of the 911 attacks, are we any more secure today, than we were then?
Can you remember what you were doing when the attacks occured?
I remember sitting in utter disgust when the planes hit the World Trade Center. I wanted to help in any way I could.
There will always be a divide between upstate and downstate, but that day we were all one.
My thanks and prayers are with our military, in Iraq, Afghanistan and all over the world. They deserve our respect and admiration. I cannot respect Preident Bush or the politics that influence the running of our military, but I DO RESPECT the men and women wearing the uniform of the United States.

On this 5th ann., lets give thanks for what we have. We whine and get upset with little things that affect our lives. The people who perished on 911, and thier families deserve our support and prayers.
The firefighters, police officers, ems people, were doing thier jobs. They performed the best they could under dire circumstances. They made due with what they had. Many people owe thier lives to the heroics of these vital personnel. May they rest in peace!

Trooper Longobardos" funeral is today. He also died doing his job.
Take a moment to reflect on what you have. Would your families be alright without you?
We all know that when our time is up, its up. Plan for living today as tomorrow may never come.

Stay safe and watch each others backs!!