Wende Correctional Facility

This site is devoted to happenings at Wende C.F. Feel free to post the good and the bad.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

CO F. Azzarrelli

From bob the blogger,
CoAzzarelli is at home , his outlook is good and his spirits are high.
He has lost a lot of wieght and is bald.
His Parents are asking for visitors.
His address is:
176 Wardman Rd
Kenmore, NY(between Colvin and Deleware.)
I cannot post phone number to this site, but if you want it contact us.
Hope your Christmas was bright .

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas to all
Happy New Year too!
I've decided to leave this site up and running.
Please try to get others involved.
You were absolutely right on the inconvience pay, I messed up. I was only looking at my back pay. As you may be aware-the 1-9 shift in transportation was recieving Inconvience pay until 2003. The State did an audit and we were all forced to pay it back(after Payroll had said we were entitled to it) In my case I had to pay back $3000 at 10% of my check every payday. Thats why I jumped the gun on retro. I was just so happy to finally get it back. After 2 years I will finally have my money back.
With the hevesi fiasco in Albany, we will probably not see any money until the new fiscal year, at which time we should launch a fight for interest for 1 year.