Please contact the Comptrollers office to complain about the long delay in recieving our Retro Pay. Make it known that you are angry, and demand your money;
toll free 1-888-484-7279 press 8 when you hear the recording.
e-mail him at
lets make our voices heard.
NYSCOPBA has filed court papers to have interest added to our retro pay if it is not recieved until 4-01-07
Parties are due in Court 8-08-06
A lot of Officers I talked to yesterday were very upset about only getting 5-$7500 at end of August
I think we should take this payment, as its money in our pockets and not the States where they are effectively earning enough interest to pay this award.
send President FlimFlanagan an e-mail or call him and ask for his resignation due to the mishandling of the ENTIRE ARBITRATION PROCESS!
Hang tough and stay safe.
toll free 1-888-484-7279 press 8 when you hear the recording.
e-mail him at
lets make our voices heard.
NYSCOPBA has filed court papers to have interest added to our retro pay if it is not recieved until 4-01-07
Parties are due in Court 8-08-06
A lot of Officers I talked to yesterday were very upset about only getting 5-$7500 at end of August
I think we should take this payment, as its money in our pockets and not the States where they are effectively earning enough interest to pay this award.
send President FlimFlanagan an e-mail or call him and ask for his resignation due to the mishandling of the ENTIRE ARBITRATION PROCESS!
Hang tough and stay safe.
At 12:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
if they pay us with our regular check, it will make the check about 10,000.00. multiply that by 26 pays and we will get taxed as if we are making $260,000. so now you will see only half the money in your check, the state wins again by keeping the taxes. we lose again
At 8:43 AM,
WENDE C.F. said…
no matter when they pay us, we will get taxed to death. I believe its around 30%. Where is the difference if they pay us now, or give us chech for $15,000 on 4-1-07?
At 10:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
i think 37% is the max
At 10:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
post directions on how to be other than anonymous
At 11:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey, whatever happened to blogger donn? he got called soft once and hasn't said a word since? where are you blogger donn?
At 6:09 PM,
Donn said…
I was vacationing out of state and reformatting my PC (twice). Now I'm back up & running. Who's all these anonymous guys, anyway? Too scared to post even a made up name, I guess... I think the state is messing with us because they think (know) they can get away with it. We need elected union officials that will stand up & be heard, instead of negotiating weasel deals behind our backs. On one hand, I'd like to get SOME of what's owed to me now, but on the other hand, I'd like to run LF and his 'agents' through a legal wringer. How can we achieve both?
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