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Thank you to all who view this site. There were 115 people during June that checked out this blog.
Please leave me some feed back under comments.
If you want to post directly to this site, with no filters-send me your email address and I will send you an invitation to join. There is no cost to you.
I know we have concentrated mostly on the contract-but, I would like to post the positives and negatives of happenings at Wende.
If you know of anything that should be posted on this site-CONTACT Me or join and post it.
Please send any emails to
If you don't have time to post, just leave a message in mailbox @ Wende for B.Chapman, and I will make sure it gets posted, for all to see. Anonymous is fine if you don't want name used.
The more who post here, the better this site will become! I can't do it without your help.
Please leave me some feed back under comments.
If you want to post directly to this site, with no filters-send me your email address and I will send you an invitation to join. There is no cost to you.
I know we have concentrated mostly on the contract-but, I would like to post the positives and negatives of happenings at Wende.
If you know of anything that should be posted on this site-CONTACT Me or join and post it.
Please send any emails to
If you don't have time to post, just leave a message in mailbox @ Wende for B.Chapman, and I will make sure it gets posted, for all to see. Anonymous is fine if you don't want name used.
The more who post here, the better this site will become! I can't do it without your help.
At 12:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
i like big butts
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