Wende Correctional Facility

This site is devoted to happenings at Wende C.F. Feel free to post the good and the bad.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


The Assembly and the Senate have both signed our pay bills. Now we just need the Governors signature.
I am a little more hopeful now. Hope to see some money soon!

Update on Flalagan- recieved an E-mail from him today. Said that he has never recieved the other 6 e-mails or the CERTIFIED letter that I sent to him.(lies,lies) Said he would not meet face/face but would answer any questions I had for him. Start by answering the ones I sent to him previously. He must think that just because we will get our raises soon, that all of this will blow over. I DON'T THINK SO. Will keep on him until I do get answers!


  • At 11:02 AM, Blogger Donn said…

    I'm sure I speak for many CO's when I say that I am relieved that the State has seen fit to settle our pay issue before they go off to their summer vacations...

  • At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    donn, you soft... they didn't do it for us,, they only did it for themselves. who in their right mind would contribute money to someone who fucked with your're money?


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