October Surprise
What a storm. CO Koester and myself were on bus 75 coming home from Collins and the further we drove on thruway, the worse it got. We took down power lines on Walden, had no heat/defroster, ripped a wiper blade off, and all the while trying to get back to Wende with 2 inmates on board. This was the worst day in my 10 years of transporting. We were scared shitless. We got stuck at the bottom of the hill on Wende rd., and again on service road near Tower 2. This was the last straw and we called for assistance. CO Lattanzio and Sindoni got a van to us and we took the 2 inmates off in almost waist deep snow.
I like a fool tried to make it home and promptly got stuck. Thanks to CO Waddell and Steele helped me to get free. I couldn't make it over the hill, so I decided to try Wende Rd to Sandridge. Sandridge was closed so I continued on North St.. Got stuck at Crittendan and North. Alden fire came by and gave me a ride to Alden Fire Hall. At least it was warm. They gave us all a good breakfast. My truck was towed-and I couldn't find it for 3 days. Called everywhere-State Police/Erie County Sheriff, every towing company in Erie County. Finally found it in Genessee County at a place called JIM and BOBS.
I walked home from Central Ave and Broadway-approx. 12 miles. Soaking wet and thought I was in the twighlight zone. Trees and wires everywhere. Got home in time to start my 1-9 shift. Called jail and told them I wouldn't be in. They put me down for sick time. I wonder when I'll get my time back? Governor declared an emergency and we should get occasion wiped out and be charged vacation time-like the last big storm.
Hope everyone by now has power and heat, and you are safe with your families.
I hear that the Super rolled up his sleeves and pitched right in. Bravo! I also hear that Dep. Smith came to work in a suit and tie and only walked around signing log books. He could have helped out too! Remember those who pitched in, and those who were clue less.
Stay safe and watch each others backs!!
I will be shutting down this site by Jan.1,2007 unless there is some particapation. Its our web page so lets use it.
Nothing from Blogger Bob.
I like a fool tried to make it home and promptly got stuck. Thanks to CO Waddell and Steele helped me to get free. I couldn't make it over the hill, so I decided to try Wende Rd to Sandridge. Sandridge was closed so I continued on North St.. Got stuck at Crittendan and North. Alden fire came by and gave me a ride to Alden Fire Hall. At least it was warm. They gave us all a good breakfast. My truck was towed-and I couldn't find it for 3 days. Called everywhere-State Police/Erie County Sheriff, every towing company in Erie County. Finally found it in Genessee County at a place called JIM and BOBS.
I walked home from Central Ave and Broadway-approx. 12 miles. Soaking wet and thought I was in the twighlight zone. Trees and wires everywhere. Got home in time to start my 1-9 shift. Called jail and told them I wouldn't be in. They put me down for sick time. I wonder when I'll get my time back? Governor declared an emergency and we should get occasion wiped out and be charged vacation time-like the last big storm.
Hope everyone by now has power and heat, and you are safe with your families.
I hear that the Super rolled up his sleeves and pitched right in. Bravo! I also hear that Dep. Smith came to work in a suit and tie and only walked around signing log books. He could have helped out too! Remember those who pitched in, and those who were clue less.
Stay safe and watch each others backs!!
I will be shutting down this site by Jan.1,2007 unless there is some particapation. Its our web page so lets use it.
Nothing from Blogger Bob.
At 2:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
i've tried to post ,this thing won't let me. please tell me how. welcome mendez, he came back to work on 10-29-06. it's gotta be rough. he addressed line stating thathe would apperciate it if people don't ask him questions about it. he said what happened was basically his kid was killed for $10 . the guy took $10 from his kids apartment, his kid beat the guy up, then the guy came back and stabbed his kid.that's my general understanding of what he said,if i got it wrong , please correct me.he also thanked everyone for their supoort through all of this. please excuse me for only reffering to him as his kid but i don't know his name, and felt it was important to get out what mendez said so we don't "bother him" with questions. every question must make him relive the whole thing.
At 2:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
the above written comment was from bob the blogger, i tried to post it but this was the best i could do.
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