As most of you are aware, the judge has shot down interest on our contract.
Still waiting for inconvenience pay. According to Al Mothershed, payment date is unknown at this time.
Rumor is floating around that the State and Spitzer want our Workers comp.
The plan is to go to straight Worker comp benefits($400) a week. However we would be responsible for any retirement loans and medical premiums while you were out. Supposedly the State has offered 15% 1 time raise to give up this benefit. Money sounds good and we could all use it, but after paying medical and loans it wouldn't leave much.
THIS IS ONLY A RUMOR and I have not been able to authenticate it, with our sleezeball union.
I firmly believe that we will get screwed this coming contract!
I have a copy of ATTICA, the pictoral history from 1929-2004 if any one is interested in putting it on thier computer(CD). This was put out by the "Forgotten Victims of Attica"
Stay safe and watch each others backs!!
Still waiting for inconvenience pay. According to Al Mothershed, payment date is unknown at this time.
Rumor is floating around that the State and Spitzer want our Workers comp.
The plan is to go to straight Worker comp benefits($400) a week. However we would be responsible for any retirement loans and medical premiums while you were out. Supposedly the State has offered 15% 1 time raise to give up this benefit. Money sounds good and we could all use it, but after paying medical and loans it wouldn't leave much.
THIS IS ONLY A RUMOR and I have not been able to authenticate it, with our sleezeball union.
I firmly believe that we will get screwed this coming contract!
I have a copy of ATTICA, the pictoral history from 1929-2004 if any one is interested in putting it on thier computer(CD). This was put out by the "Forgotten Victims of Attica"
Stay safe and watch each others backs!!
At 9:47 AM,
Donn said…
"Contract?" We haven't had a contract in years. We'll just get another weasel deal unless we pry Flimflanigan out of control...
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